Boston Day in Solidarity With African People

The Boston branch of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, a mass organization of white people formed by and working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party, is bringing to Boston 2 incredible Black Power leaders of our times, Omali Yeshitela, leader and founder of the Uhuru Movement and APSP, and Akile Anai, member of APSP and International Chair of the Justice for the 3 Drowned Black Girls campaign

This speaking tour is part of the “Days in Solidarity with African People” campaign, an international fundraising and action campaign to build support and resources for the worldwide struggle of African people for self-determination, liberation, and reparations.

About the speakers:

Omali Yeshitela is a survivor of the US government’s brutal counterinsurgency war against the Black Power movement of the 60s, founder of the Uhuru Movement, and Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party since 1972. Mobilized in his youth by anti-colonial movements around the world and the struggle for black liberation inside the U.S., Yeshitela has dedicated his life to completing the Black Revolution of the 60s and uniting and liberating Africa and African people everywhere!

Penny Hess is the Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, an organization of white people created by the African People’s Socialist Party to build unwavering white solidarity with African Liberation. She wrote “Overturning the Culture of Violence” which examines the violent history of how white people built a world socio-economic system based on the enslavement of African people and the genocide of indigenous people and theft of their land. She will be presenting on white people’s role in the African Liberation movement.

Akile Anai was a candidate for District 6 City Council in St Petersburg, FL, running a joint campaign with Jesse Nevel for Mayor, both on platforms of reparations and economic development to the Black Community. Akilé is a 20 year old black community organizer and member of the African People’s Socialist Party, and International Chair of the Justice for the 3 Drowned Black Girls campaign.

Jesse Nevel was a candidate for Mayor of St Petersburg and National Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement. At 27 years old he has been involved in the Uhuru Movement for almost a decade leading the work of the solidarity movement and organizing white people to pay reparations to African people.

The political significance of The Days in Solidarity with African People:

The “Days in Solidarity with African People” are days of tribute to African people, a look at the history of how the oppression of African people began and a salute to the future of liberation and justice for African and oppressed peoples everywhere.
It is an acknowledgement that the U.S., Europe, and capitalism is built on a foundation of the enslavement of African people and the genocide of the Indigenous people. White populations throughout the world have been built and sustained by colonialism and the continued extraction of resources of Africa.
The Days in Solidarity with African People is acknowledgement of our stance in unity with the unalienable human right of African and all oppressed people to take back all of their stolen resources, land, and culture. It is based on the understanding that as white people who have lived on the backs of African people for 500 years, our genuine solidarity is in reparations to African people
Solidarity with African people lets us join humanity, take responsibility for the crimes of white people and white power and be part of a new world, led by African and Indigenous peoples, a world of true peace, in which no one people can ever live at the expense of another.

Please donate to our fundraiser to make this event possible:

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