Yoga of Reparations

Yoga is simple and helpful; and breath is foundational to Yoga. If you are curious about a fresh, approachable method for regulating your body’s rhythms and habits of being, then this class is for you. This approach is not exercise based, and is accessible for most bodies. We will learn how to observe the breath, and explore various techniques that lead to a greater sense of ease around breathing. I teach classes so that each participant is prepared for a daily, personal practice. Dedicating just a few minutes a day to observing and exploring the breath can make a big difference in how well we understand the role of breath in our moods, attention span and ease in the body. We will learn how all aspects of our experience can be nourished through regular, personal practice.

Format: Classes will be a combination of standing, seated and reclined postures with time for questions and discussion. If you have your own mat, please bring it. There will be blocks, mats, and chairs provided as needed. Participants will receive a take home practice with each session.

The Yoga of Reparations is part of the Reparations Challenge, sponsored by Uhuru Solidarity Movement under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party. The goal of the class is to offer an enriching Yoga experience and raise reparations to African people here and around the world. All funds raised go to Black Star Industries (BSI) as reparations. Zenzele Consignment is just one of over two dozen, Black led economic institutions under the umbrella of BSI.

Cost: $20 per person/$30 per pair (bring a friend or partner)

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