Diamond Back Terrapins – Life on the Edge

Join us for “Diamondback Terrapins: Life on the Edge!” This webinar program will take place over Zoom and is recommended for older adolescents and adults. Please register at https://ufl.zoom.us/…/tJMlfuGrqzIjGdZ3UqrAI-UyB0wh-IF04OwE
Join George Heinrich, Field Biologist and Environmental Educator, to learn about a secretive turtle that occurs in the mangrove habitat at Weedon Island Preserve.
This program will introduce the natural history and conservation of an imperiled estuarine turtle, the diamondback terrapin. Although terrapins occur in 16 states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the coastline of Florida represents approximately 20% of their entire range. Five of the seven recognized subspecies occur in the state’s extensive salt marsh and mangrove habitats, including three endemics. Therefore, Florida terrapin populations and habitats are critical to the conservation of the entire species.

Questions or concerns? Please email us at weedonisland@pinellascounty.org

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